Articles / The 6 Key Differences Between Menstrual Cups and Menstrual Discs.

The 6 Key Differences Between Menstrual Cups and Menstrual Discs.

12.05.2023 2 Minutes
The 6 Key Differences Between  Menstrual Cups and Menstrual Discs.

Hello Cups and Hello Discs are both great reusable period care options but there are a few key differences that are good to be aware of that might help you choose with one you go for. 

  1. Where they sit. A period cup will sit in your vaginal canal. It sits lower than a menstrual disc. A menstrual disc sits at the very end of the vagina in an area called the vaginal fornix. Think of the fornix as the turning bay at the end of a cul-de-sac. It’s wider and therefore has room for the disc to open out. 
  2. How they stay in place. A menstrual cup relies on suction to stay in place in your vagina. A menstrual disc on the other hand, doesn’t use suction. It stays in place by tucking behind the pubic bone. 
  3. IUD compatible or not? If you have an IUD you’re best to opt for a menstrual disc because it doesn’t use suction. There is an increased risk of dislodging a IUD with menstrual cup removal if the suction is not broken properly before removal. If you use either a cup or a disc with an IUD we recommend asking your doctor to trim the strings in advance and waiting three months after your IUD has been in place. 
  4. Insertion folds. At Hello Period, we recommend using a shallow punchdown fold to insert your menstrual cup. This is the most reliable fold to allow the cup to open fully (especially if the rim is internal like it is on Hello Cups). To insert a disc, you fold it in half lengthwise (so it is shaped like a tampon).
  5. Sex. If you are keen on no mess period sex, then look no further than your Hello Disc - it can be worn during intercourse or sex play (we recommend you empty it beforehand, however). Because menstrual cups sit lower in the vagina, they need to be removed prior to penetrative intercourse. 
  6. Sizing. Menstrual cups tend to have more size options as the vaginal canal is a stretchy tube and the diameter will vary depending on age and fitness (and sometimes childbirth). You will also often find options for low or high cervix heights too. Menstrual discs often only come in one size. Sizing is less important in a menstrual disc because they are not reliant on suction and as long as they are positioned below the cervix, users should experience no leaks.